Monday, 15 July 2019 06:57

Supernova 3. A psytrance Odyssey in Colorado | 9 – 11 de August

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To get more info about Supernova please contact Israel Morales, you can contact him on facebook here is his link:

Si quieres recibir mas information acerca de Supernova por favor de contactar a Israel Morales, aqui esta en su link:



Qbtrance presents: Supernova 3. A psytrance odyssey. 
Colorado, USA August 9th- 11th 2019. 

A supernova is an astronomical event that occurs during the last stellar evolutionary stages of a massive star's life, whose dramatic and catastrophic destruction is marked by one final titanic explosion causing the sudden appearance of a new bright star. 

Join us for our third edition of Supernova, our psytrance family gathering in Colorado, USA. 
2 nights campout in a private ranch. 30 hours non-stop music. 6 International DJs and the best of the local talent. The gate will open on Friday at noon. Music hours: Saturday 10am - Sunday 4pm. 

International lineup: 
3D-Ghost (Uxmal Records) Mexico. 
Astralife (3D-Ghost + Raindrop) Mexico. 
CtrlZ3ta (Qbtrance Records/TranceformatiOhm) Mexico 
Twisted Swingers (Uxmal Records) Mexico 
BugaVox (Black Hole Records) Mexico 
Slyce (Emporium records) Mexico 

National lineup: 
Electric Ganesh Order (Mayan Soul) - Houston TX. 
Throw3r (Sub Element Recordings) - CO, USA. 
Cyberattack (Qbtrance Records) 
Alexander (Faze2/Maharetta Recs) CO, USA. 
Planewalker (Waveform Wizardry) NM, USA. 
Ascension (The Chilluminati) CO, USA. 
Avery Runner (Star Active Records) CO, USA 
Skyrocker (Qbtrance Records/Digital Nature Records) CO, USA. 
Translucive (Rhythm Spell) CO,USA 
Dhruvananda (Qbtrance) CO, USA 
Greasy Monk (Rocky Mountain Resonance) CO, USA - 
Datura (Rhythm Spell) CO, USA - 
RottleR (Couch Land Collective) CO, USA 

Minimalmonster (qbtrance) 
Wendi Moonshadow (qbtrance) 
Nick Good (qbtrance) 

Porta Parties 
Private land 
2 nights campout 
30 non-stop music 
TurboSound Audio system by Faze2 

No re-entry 
Leave no trace 
No pets 

Gate times: Friday noon – 10pm, Saturday 10AM-6PM, Sunday 9AM-4PM. (only exit on Sunday). Follow the instructions of the parking staff to park your car, order is very important.

Tickets. (Tickets will not be sold at the gate, no exceptions).

Tier 1: $40.00 from June 1st to July 1st 
Tier 2: $50:00 from July 1st to August 1st 
Tier 3: $60.00 from August 1st to August 9th. 

Link to tickets:

The event starts on Friday August 9th at 5PM, please don’t get earlier to the location. The directions to the venue will be revealed on Tuesday July 31st by 7PM, They will be sent to the email address that is associated with the PayPal account that was used to buy your tickets. Please make sure that you mark your assistance on the FB page. The venue is located about 45m West Denver. Once you get the address please do NOT share the directions with others, if you think you need to share it for any reason please ask us first.

Survival guide for supernova 3:

1.- Food. Bring your own food, water, drinks (BYOB) and everything you will need to survive. You are responsible for yourself. We will not sell anything there. It is always a good idea to bring more food to share with others, this is a great way to get to know new people in our beautiful community.

2.- Camping gear. Mare sure you bring the smallest camping gear you have, the smaller your tent is the easier you will find a good spot for it. Please avoid tents for more than 4 people. Car camping is allowed. Bring your boots and be prepared for very hot and very cold weather. The weather in Colorado is very unpredictable, especially in the mountains. Don’t forget your first aid kit. We will have medical assistance in place but make sure you bring everything you may need if you get injured.

3.- Vehicles. only 4x4 and AWD. The road is decent but getting closer to the venue it gets very rocky. No RVs, No trailers. If you have a big vehicle please let us know its dimensions before the event to determine if will fit in the road.

4.- Parking. we will park the cars inline, meaning that your car will be blocked for other cars as people is arriving to the venue. The best idea is to plan to stay till the end of the event. The gates will open on Sunday morning from 9AM-4PM, we will start releasing cars in an ordered manner. Make sure you communicate if you need to leave early on Sunday or any time on Saturday. We will have an emergency car in case we need to use it for any especial situation.

5.- No Re-entry. this is to avoid two-way traffic in the road since it is very narrow. If you need to leave for any reason you will not be allowed to come back. Plan accordingly. If you have to leave on Saturday, make sure you tell us as soon as you get to the venue so we park your car in an easy access area.

6.- Tickets will not be sold at the gate. No exceptions. The only way to get a ticket is in advance with Israel Morales and/or Erika Hale.

7.- Carpooling is the best idea for Supernova 3, if you are driving and you have room for more people please make a post on FB page, it’s a great way to make new friends and you will be contributing in having a better experience for everyone. Our parking staff will highly appreciate that.

8.- Fire. Depending on fire ban. There is chance we can spin fire and burn something really cool. ;) 

9.- No pets.

10.- Leave no trace. This is a leave no trace event, clean and pick up everything you bring to the event. Specially trash, even if it’s not yours. It’s everyone’s responsibility to respect and protect this beautiful venue that has been offered to our community.

11.- Volunteers. If you want to help in Supernova 3 and future events, please raise your hand. We are looking for new talent in all areas. Painters, DJs, decoration, performers, and staff. We need your help to maintain and keep growing our beautiful psytrance scene in CO.


Read 4200 times Last modified on Wednesday, 14 August 2019 20:38
Erik | OWNER & CEO

Owner and CEO at qbtrance
