Welcome to qbtrance

Jun 16 2017 / Written by  / Published in News

Welcome to qbtrance | Bienvenidos a qbtrance

Bienvenido a qbtrance,  [ Click here to read this article in English ]

Primero que nada quiero agradecer personalmente tu interes en qbtrance, en querer venir a navegar e indagar de que se trata este proyecto. Esta seccion la utilizare para explicar en detalle quienes somos y que es lo que hacemos en qbtrance. Tambien navegaremos nuestra hostoria y conoceras a la personas que estuvieron y estan involucradas con nuestro proyecto, quienes han sido nuestros socios y nos han apoyado a lo largo de la vida de nuestro proyecto.

Como nace qbtrance?
qbtrance nace en Guadalajara Jalisco Mexico, en Enero del 2007.
Fundadores del proyecto: Israel Morales, Alejandro Casparius.

Donde recide qbtrance?
Qbtrance nacio en Guadalajara (GDL), Jalisco Mexico. Hoy en dia estamos en GDL, CDMX, Denver y Chicago.

Quien es qbtrance en la actualidad? Solamente las personas en esta lista representan a qbtrance.
Israel Morales - Founder and CEO en USA.
Erik Munoz - CEO en Mexico.
Erika Fernandez - Brand Manager.
Brandy Alexander and Bruce Smith - Rhythm Spell. 

Nuestro objectivo:
Documentar las escenas de los diferentes generos de musica electro en la ciudades donde recidimos y sus alrededores, unir a la comunidad es clave y pretendemos lograrlo creando contenido y facilitando el acceso a la informacion.

Esta es nuestra vision:
Mantener interaccion e informacion con la comunidad.

Que significa qb?
Esta es una pregunta que recibimos todo el tiempo asi que aqui intentare explicarlo. Todo se remonta al principio del tiempo donde el portal existia solo en una idea que no estaba completamente formada aun, sin embargo ya teniamos el concepto del portal, sera una pagina donde podras ver las fotos de los eventos de psytrance en Guadalajara (esperemos que eventualmente podamos entrar gratis para tomar fotos). 

Teniamos aun un problema que nos impedia comenzar con nuestro proyecto, que nombre usaremos? como nos vamos a identificar?. Despues de viajar mucho y ver muchas opciones decidimos que up2trance era la mejor propuesta que teniamos en nuestra lluvia de ideas, pero este nombre tenia un grandisimo problema, cuando se pronuncia en espaniol suena: u-pedos-trance y obviamente no queriamos ser identificados como los "pedos" hehehe. Continuamos entonces con nuestra busqueda.

En algun punto nos dimos cuenta que era mas facil comenzar por definir un logotipo ya que la busqueda de un nombre no estaba dando buenos resultados y estaba tomando demasiado tiempo. Escogimos un cubo, una ves definida la forma del logotipo comenzo la lluvia de ideas pero ahora con un cubo como referencia, una idea llevo a la otra:

cubo en ingles "cube" que dividido foneticamente suena "cu" = "q" y "be" = "b"

Entonces quedo "qb" para representar el cubo del logo (bueno ese fue nuestro viaje, haha. Bien decian nuestras madres, ya no fumen de eso). Finalmente agregamos el trance que queriamos desde un incio, En ese momento nacia oficialmente qbtrance. Nuestro primer dia en linea como www.qbtrance.com fue el 27 de Enero del 2007.

English version:

Welcome to qbtrance,  [ Click here to read this article in English ]

First of all i would like to thank you personally for your interest in qbtrance, for coming to browse and investigate what is this project about. I will use this section to explain in detail who we are and what we do in qbtrance. Also we will navigate throughout our history and you will know the people that were and are involved with our project, who have been our partners and have supported us along the life of this exiting project.

How qbtrance starts?
qbtrance starts in Guadalajara Jalisco Mexico, in January 2007.
Project founders: Israel Morales and Alejandro Casparius.

Where is qbtrance?
Qbtrance was born in Guadalajara (GDL), Jalisco Mexico. Now a days we are at GDL, CDMX, Denver y Chicago.

Who is qbtrance currently? Only the people that is on this list represent officially qbtrance.com
Israel Morales - Founder and CEO en USA.
Erik Munoz - CEO in Mexico.
Erika Fernandez - Brand Manager.
Brandy Alexander and Bruce Smith - Rhythm Spell.

Our objective:
Document the different electronic music scenes in the cities where we are present and their surroundings, unite the community is key and we pretend achieve that by creating content and facilitating the access to the information. 

Our vision:
Keep interaction with the community and keep them well informed.

What qb means?

We get this question very often so i will try to explain it's meaning here. Everything remounts back to the beginning of the time when this portal only existed in one idea and it wasn't completely formed yet, however we already had the concept for the portal, it will be a web page where you can see the pictures of the psytrance events in Guadalajara. (We hope that eventually we could get into these events for free to take the pictures).

We had yet a problem that was keeping us away to start with our project: what name are we using? how do we want to be identified?. After tripping a lot and consider a lot of options we decided that "up2trance" was our best bet we had in our brainstorming, but this name had a big but. When you pronounce it in spanish it sounds like: "u-pedos-trance" which phonetically sounds like fart-trance, so we didn't want to be identified like that hehehe. Then we continued our research.
After sometime we noticed that probably would be easier to start by defining a logotype since our seek for a name wasn't resulting good so far and it was taking way to long. We choose a cube, and once we decided the shape of our logo we get into a new brainstorm but now with a cube as reference, then one idea took to the next one:

"cubo" in english "cube" phonetically divided "cu/be" sounds like "cu"="q" and "be="b" and qb is not a common combination of characters so it will be easy to remember and easy to find us online.

qb represents the cube shape of the logo (well at least this was our trip, haha. our parents were right! we should stop smoking that). Finally we added the "trance" that we wanted since the beginning. In that very moment qbtrance was getting born officially. Our first day online as www.qbtrance.com was Jan 27th 2007. 


Read 12428 times
Israel Morales - Qbtrance

Israel Morales - AKA Cyberattack.

Website: qbtrance.com